Saturday, July 3, 2010

Do You!

Hello, and welcome to Handle That. A Blog dedicated to a Life well Lived by going after things that I want. Whether they are big or small. What I have come to realize after much experience is that…NOW Is ALWAYS the time to go after my dreams. Through each entry I promise you will learn more about me and maybe a little about yourself. Lets no longer procrastinate or shy away from the things we really want and grow into who we were born to be.
Do You, is a statement I have used a lot this year, and it has kind of become my mantra. Not only has ‘Doing Me’ made me a Happier person, but it has allowed me to not stress off of things that really shouldn’t matter. I find excitement in being who I am and at the same time I appreciate the characteristics of the people around me. Doing you is not an easy task especially if you are doing it right. Being on your own path may cause different emotions in people. You will get some that are happy for you and love you no matter what. Then you will get people who will dislike your decisions, and I guarantee you will at least have one person that will get jealous. All of that comes with living, and if you are ready to live the way YOU want, be ready to weed out the elements you don’t need in your life. With that said you also need a sense of respect for yourself and others, loyalty to your community that supports you, and the intelligence to be able to train yourself to think ahead before you make any move. Not only do those decisions affect your world, but the world around you. Everything you do for yourself in some way shape or form is going to change some ones life. Like I said before, it is not an easy task. Everyone makes mistakes but at least when something doesn’t go right you can only blame your self. Which makes it easier for you to figure out what needs to be fixed, try again or move on. Do not worry about other people and which path they choose to lead. Focus on your own. Make yourself happy, love who you are from the inside out. Then if time permits you can lend a helping hand. You cannot spend your life stressing out about other peoples lives when you have your own life to take care of.
I am still on that path, trying to reach my own happiness. I wont ask you to join me but I am open to your guidance along the way.

Handle That.

P Delawarr

Much Love & Light to Erica Lee, who schooled me on the importance of self love in every way imaginable.