Monday, July 19, 2010

Shake Off The Blues

Sometimes life situations can have a negative effect on how you treat yourself and the people around you. What I have learned is that those experiences may not be that easy to get over, but they do eventually fade away. That does not mean you don’t have the right to allow your emotions to flow they way they should. Do not allow anyone to disrupt your healing process. The longer you hold in that pain the worst it will get. Stress and depression is a serious and REAL disease. It affects every aspect of your life mentally and physically. In my struggle with depression, I’ve been able to figure out different ways to lift myself up. I was able to figure out the trigger…once your was able to do that, you then have to figure out how to get it out of your life or a way to not let that certain thing bother you as much. The second step is to focus on your self such as making yourself happy and healthy. That way you can tend to the other people you love that love you just as much. Your life will not be a positive one if you continue to let ‘dark clouds’ that you don’t need hovering over you rain on your parade. It may take weeks or even months of being blue, but keep trying to do things that make YOU happy. Accept help and support from friends and family, never be ashamed for being human and having feelings that we all have. Its ok to cry believe me, it helps.

Handle That.