Vagina Warrior
I have always been Pro Vagina. My mom taught me to love myself and to love all of my girlie parts as well. That’s why I find it hard to believe when some women get uncomfortable when the subject comes up. Our bodies are amazing and our vagina and reproductive organs are so important to love and keep healthy. Life begins with the vagina and if you keep that in mind taking care of it should be easy. I am no OBGYN but I am a woman that did a lot of research on the human body and especially my female organs. Ever since the ‘puberty years’ It has been a hobby of mine to figure out ways to keep her ‘right and tight’ lol here are some things I try my best to live by and tips I have passed on to my sisters and friends and in turn I have been given information as well.
-The first thing is water, drink lots of water and that’s for over all health. Water keeps you hydrated, clears skin, gets rid of most head or body aches if it isn’t caused by a nature of illness or mechanism of injury. For your vagina it keeps your chemical balance on point, which means no odor and your oral sexual partner will be happy with your ‘refreshing’ taste
-Cleanliness is key. Use a mirror look at yourself know how you look down there, if there are any changes you will know. Also you want to make sure you leave no soap or vaginal secretions down there because that can cause a bacterial infection later down the line, which causes a nasty scent. DO NOT use any harsh soaps sprays or douches those will cause even worse infections. If you have any smell that is different from your natural vaginal scent you need to see your Doctor do not try to cover it up with ‘smell good’. I use a delicate hypo allergenic soap with no fragrance. Your vagina should smell like you not a rose garden.
I may be a little OCD but I like to be fresh and new for my sexual partner which means I am bathed before I have sex if its spontaneous I have no fragrance baby wipes and of course CONDOMS. Afterward I make sure to urinate and rinse down, it may be a lot for most but that’s what I do to take care of myself free of bacterial infections. I also stay away from ‘special’ lubrications everything is clean clear hypo allergenic fragrance free I don’t need any flavors tingling hot/cold sensations.
-You are what you eat, and your hobbies or addictions can mess you up too! The main things you want to stay away from is
Super sugary food
Too much alcohol
The stuff you should eat
All green vegetables
Acidophilus, Lysine and Vitamin E supplements which all take care of the natural ‘good’ bacteria that is suppose to be in your vagina as well as take care of your vaginal skin/flesh which is similar to the same skin in your mouth
-Exercise! Kegels work ladies! And you can do them all day every day and no one will ever know your doing it. It is simply squeezing your urinary muscles together as many times as you can. If you’re able to stop your stream of urine while using the bathroom you know how to do a Kegel exercise.
-Air out, sure thongs are sexy but leave those to a steamy day or evening. You do not want to wear synthetic underwear or anything that’s pulled in the crack of your pelvic/rectal area that wont let you breathe. Try to get 100% cotton underwear and go free every chance you can.
-OBGN check ups and PAP smears at least twice a year along with a breast exam. If you see or feel anything different be seen, you never know how serious little things could turn into. Never be scared to ask questions.
-Treat your Vagina good…because when she doesn’t feel good neither will you and that’s a whole other subject I will blog about on a different day.
Please share your Vagina Tips if you dare :)
Artist: YONI (Vuvla pendent original art)
Much Love to Eve Ensler, of Vagina Monologues. I got a chance to perform a piece from her book at the Apollo Theater, Harlem NY. I am a Vagina Warrior, until the Violence ends. www.vday.org
Handle That.
thongs = bladder infection in my book. only to be worn when you know you are taking that sonbitch off in an hour.